Charlestown, MA 02129
(617) 494 9444
Communicate with authority — transform marketing and customer service materials from "blah, blah, blah" to clear and concise information of real value to your clients.
Gain presence and target niche markets by publishing and optimizing need-to-know information that fully leverages the power and reach of the web.
Build trust, enhance brand, attract and keep customers by creating ongoing, high-quality "informational relationships" delivered through multiple media:
•Web sites / web logs / social media
•E-newsletters / newsletters / collateral
•Advertising / keyword advertising
...with these value-added Infoworks! services:
•Power Writing / Power editing
•Web content strategy / content audit
•Info-marketing strategy
•Search engine optimization
•Information design
Infoworks! is Amy Campbell
Recent posts from my Law Firm Marketing Blog:
Following the LMA National Conference via Attendee Twitter Posts
Search Tip: Have You Tried the Google Latest Feature?
The Best Advice That Law Firms Rarely Follow
New Hampshire Law Firm
Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell PC
Business Law Firm Blog
Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton
More client projects
1. Brand Architecture:
A Method to the Madness
2. Intro to Weblogs for Law Firm Marketing
3. The Funnel: Illustrating the Link Between Sales and Marketing in Law Firms
4. Top Ten Ways To Improve Your
Web Site's Search Engine Ranking
5. Building Brand Identity in the New Economy
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© 1999-2010. Amy Campbell. All rights reserved.
