Inquiry Systems Company
Inquiry Systems Company
(508) 764-5300
100 Foster St, #5, Southbridge, MA
Welcome to
Inquiry Systems Company!
Never underestimate the power of mail.
In today's competitive business environment, Direct Mail Marketing is the best way to reach your audience and speak to them one-to-one.
The Direct Marketing Association's 2005 Report concludes that mail is stronger than ever, citing two important findings:
75% of consumers still strongly prefer regular mail to receive product announcements or offerings and perceive it as NON-INTRUSIVE, convenient, secure, descriptive, and persuasive.
50% of businesses plan to increase their mail volume, focusing on both order- and prospect-generating messages.
We are committed to helping you perform the best mailing campaign possible.
Inquiry Systems Company is a direct mail services provider approved as a United States Postal Service partner. We are trained in mail piece design, postal coding and presorting. Presorting and mail automation can provide significant savings for your direct mail projects.
Did you know that you can take advantage of postal discounts with as few as 200 mail pieces? Inquiry Systems will take your ready-to-mail piece, process it, and get it to the post office with all required reports quickly and efficiently, AND save you money.
If you already take advantage of postal discounts, know that Inquiry Systems is small and personal, AND competitive. You'll know us by first name, we'll share everything we know, and we won't charge setup or download fees!
Where to Start?
And, if you are still staring at a blank piece of paper, we can help write, design, print and assemble it!
If you've been meaning to do a direct mail campaign to boost your business, don't let your uncertainty stop you. We'll walk you through all you need to know.
Need Proof?
Here's what the US Postal Service shares about Direct Mail:
Benefits of Direct Mail
Success Stories
And two articles from the SBA wholeheartedly advocate direct mail to grow your business.
Promoting Your Business When Your Business is at Home
Turn Junk Into Greenbacks
Come to Inquiry Systems for:
Bulk Mailing
Inkjet addressing
Mailing lists
NCOA (change-of-address updating)
Packet Assembly
Let us price your next project -
Call 800-293-5303 800-293-5303 or email us for a quote today!
(C) 2006 Inquiry Systems Company
