J2B Marketing
J2B Marketing
Derby Street
Framingham, MA 01701
J2B Marketing is a “Job Seeker 2 Businessâ€â„¢ Internet Marketing, Online Copywriting Firm, based in Greater Boston, MA. The business is led by CEO, Marci Reynolds, previously VP of North America Sales Operations for Monster.com.
Our mission is to get job seekers back to work faster by harnessing the latest internet and marketing communication content & tools available. (View our service offerings.)
We create a unique, compelling “online brand†for Job Seekers that will impress recruiters & hiring managers and differentiate them from the competition.
We increase Job Seeker visibility online:
Help Job Seekers be found, higher in search results, when their name is entered into popular search engines (SEO)
Help Job Seekers be found when Recruiters or Hiring Managers search for candidates online that look like them- with their mix of skills, qualifications and education
You’ve heard of B2B – Business to Business and B2C – Business To Consumer. Now there is J2B – Job Seeker to Business ™. (We invented the phrase!) J2B is the first and only internet marketing services firm dedicated to the unique needs of Job Seekers.
Learn more:
J2B Marketing Pricing & Services
J2B Marketing Blog
Frequently Asked Questions
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