Laurance S Morrison CO Incorporated
Laurance S Morrison CO Incorporated
(508) 347-9111
54 Main St, Sturbridge, MA

These fundamentals form our North Star as an agency:
Honor the consumer as queen and king

Match client strengths to marketplace needs

Strengthen each client in its customers' eyes

Think from the outside in--from the marketplace into each client's place

Understand that people don't purchase products/services, they buy benefits

Operate on budget or below, on time or sooner (treat deadline as a backwards word--it's actually line dead, because if you cross it you are)

Provide no surprises, not even good ones

Measure everything

Place public-sensitive communications in service to each client's overall policies and purposes

Regard marketing communications as a management responsibility

Ensure that the creative springs from relevant, current, accurate and complete marketplace data

Understand, root and bloom, the issues in each client's industry

Measure twice, cut once
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