Mindbranch Incorporated
Mindbranch Incorporated
(413) 664-6185
131 Ashland St, North Adams, MA
Since 1992, MindBranch has been a leading source for market research covering over 130 sectors. Companies turn to MindBranch for in-depth industry research, global business information and independent equity analysis. Gain easy access to reports, newsletters, company profiles and more through www.mindbranch.com.
Our 550+ research partners are experts in their respective industries and our model is flexible. With MindBranch, you can be sure you are getting research from trusted providers, with insights into niche areas that might not be covered by a single subscription. Register today to gain easy access to the latest research available in your industry.
Our Corporate Service Program is designed to provide clients with an added layer of customization through our desktop tool, QuickLink. Use QuickLink to centralize and streamline your research procurement. With this program you receive:
A dedicated research team - Our research managers work free of charge, finding and recommending research to meet your information needs, while offering an unbiased perspective
Custom Research Services - Your research manager can help you generate customized proposals for any specialized consulting projects. We will send your proposals to recommended firms from our lists of highly qualified publishers - saving you time, money, and resources at all stages of a new project.
Flexible Payment Terms - Everyone in your company has access to payment methods best suited to your needs. And, we offer additional credits toward future purchases varying upon your level of spending.
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