Framingham, MA
Search Engine Optimization
Search Optimization or SEO is the process of getting more quality traffic to your url from internet searches. With netometry® optimized development, using valid html, or a php based content management system, your site will have a much better chance of returning on page 1. When a site returns on page one for a specific word or phrase it could increase the traffic by thousands of visitors each month. SEO Consulting and Optimized Development.
Content Management
A Content Management System (CMS) is software, developed as a web application, for easily creating and managing xml or php content. It may manage dynamic collections of source. A CMS helps with content creation, data control, editing, and maintenance. Open source software provides tools which allow novice users to create and manage web content with ease. CMS Installation Mass.
Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization, or SMO, is a methodization of social media activity. SMO is used for attracting visitors to web URL's by promoting and publicizing it on social webs like as, and among many others. benefits of SMO are the access to audience, the relatively low cost of achieving an audience, and the ability to market to this audience effectively through Keyword Research and network availability.
