Pelland Advertsing
Pelland Advertsing
25 Depot Road
Haydenville, MA 01039
(413) 268-0100
Fax (413) 268-0173
Toll-Free 1 800 848-0501
Everybody has seen the offers, usually arriving as e-mail spam, that offer to put your site to the top of the search engine rankings … usually for a recurring monthly fee. We have examined the typical results and have determined that most of these companies which claim to be “search engine experts†are only experts at collecting their fees. Far more often than not, the result of their tinkering is a drop in search engine positioning or, worse yet, the blacklisting of a site from a search engine index. The problem is that most of these companies take a quick (and extremely profitable) approach which is based upon little more than the manipulation of keyword densities, along with a dose of search engine spamming. Although the short-term results may look encouraging, the long-term results are usually disastrous.
Search Engine Optimization Tune-Up from Pelland Advertising
We have seen far too many small businesses pay outrageous monthly “maintenance†fees for alleged SEO services which do not even include such basics as HTML Metadata or adequate page titles. In other instances, businesses may not have gotten burned with one of these companies, but their sites are not even “search engine ready†let alone search engine optimized. We are here to help, with an affordable, customized service which is tailored to the needs of each individual business and industry. We will not mislead you with false promises which can only create false expectations; however, we will do our absolute best on your behalf. We will tell you right up front that not every business can hold the first place position in the search engine results for any given search term. Quite understandably, older, larger and more established businesses are more likely – and should be more likely – to appear at or near the top of the search results. Your new website will take some time to establish its presence and position in the so-called “organic†search engine results. We will do our best to help you to attain – and hold – the best position possible.
Here is what we will do:
1. Starting with the Home page of your site, we will confirm the presence of a Title tag, optimizing the page title with appropriate keywords, as needed.
2. We will confirm the presence of a Site Description metadata, again optimizing that content as needed.
3. We will confirm the presence of a Keywords list, typically re-sequencing and expanding upon an existing list. We will check for any signs of keyword spamming, either intentional or unintentional, and make any necessary adjustments.
4. We will add Robots metadata to your site's Home page, if missing.
5. We will add appropriate Headline text to the site’s Home page.
6. We will edit the text of your site’s Home page, with particular emphasis on the first paragraph of text and its keyword density.
7. We will check that all graphics contain appropriate ALT tags, and add them wherever they may be missing.
8. If your site contains graphics-based navigation, we will add text-based navigational links to the bottom of each page.
9. We will make the same changes to the remaining pages of your site, customizing page Title tags.
10. We will check to see if your site is indexed by Google, Yahoo! and the Open Directory Project. If it is not listed, we will submit it to Google and the Open Directory Project and supply you with instructions for submission to the Yahoo! Directory.
11. We will add a robots.txt file to your site.
In addition, if we are hosting and managing your site, we will perform the following functions which will improve your site’s indexing with both Yahoo! and Google:
12. We will authenticate your site with Yahoo! Search by adding a Yahoo! META tag to your site.
13. We will add a website feed to your site (/urllist.txt).
14. We will authenticate your site with Google by adding a Google site verification file.
15. We will create a sitemap.xml file for your site for reference by Google and other search robots.
16. We will update these files whenever we add pages to your site’s content.
Here is what it will cost:
As opposed to a monthly or other recurring fee, there is a one-time charge for the services which we will provide.
If your site is hosted elsewhere: You will need to provide us with a username and password which will allow us access to your site on the existing server. We will do everything in steps 1 through 11 on your site’s Home page and up to 5 additional pages for only $299.95. (If your site contains more than 6 pages of content, there will be an additional charge of $15.00 per additional page.)
If Pelland Advertising hosts and manages your site: Most of these services will have already been implemented. In these instances, we will perform step 8 and steps 11 through 16 for a one-time fee of only $149.95, regardless of the number of pages of content.
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