Prospect Marketing
Prospect Marketing
(413) 644-9688
Po Box 479, Stockbridge, MA

Prospect Marketing located in the Berkshire Country town of Great Barrington, MA, specializes in making your business look its very best. With over 15 years of experience designing high quality professional graphics and advertising materials, we are the one source for all your businesses design and advertising needs.

Now more than ever the advertising and marketing dollars you spend need to be effective in maintaining and growing your business. Allow us to give you the competitive advantage necessary to become a leader in your marketplace. We want to work with you, expand on your ideas, and create the strategies best suited to your needs and budget.

Prospect Marketing can create all types of communications. As a full service graphic design, print ad , and web site design company, Prospect Marketing has the ability to handle any project from start to finish. We can supply you with creative print ads, brochures, catalogs, point of purchase graphics, post cards, media packages, company logo's , and all corporate graphic material. New fresh creative sales material can bring excitement, interest and vibrancy to your business as well as increased revenue. We are based in Great Barrington, MA and are dedicated to serving the needs of Berkshire County and beyond
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