Randy Harris
Randy Harris
12 Pinewood Drive
Framingham, MA 01701
LEXIPIXEL is a software development, graphics and online system design firm located in Framingham, Massachusetts, (USA).
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websites by LEXIPIXEL
(click here) LEXIPIXEL is your one stop source for custom logo and graphic design, original CSS style sheets, clean, easy to maintain and edit industry standard HTML markup, organized site design and dynamic cgi / database driven content management (CMS) tools.
While other companies charge for search engine optimization, our customers have "pre SEO" optimized sites.
Every web page is designed to include proper, valid HTML elements, titles, META tags, headings, (h1, h2...), alt text image data, and other useful markup to make sure your site is ready for the search engines.
Next, we get your site crawled and indexed. Every bit of what we do is ''above board'' and has lasting results. While tricks may get some short term results -- we are in it for the long run. On the web since 1994, and many years in online communications systems before that.
Copyright ©2003-2010 LEXIPIXEL, all rights reserved.
