PO Box 738
Cheshire, MA 01225
Call: 413 743 4918
We offer Pay Per Performance Marketing
You only pay for results, this is the only safe way to hire a web marketer
If your site is not getting enough visitors and you know that you need a marketing professional, then you need SEO in MA to continuously monitor your progress. Constantly Improve your site. Register the site when your listings get dropped for no apparent reason, and they will. But once you build the traffic it's easy to keep it coming.
A complete strategy for success must be built into the foundation of your web site. Keyword density, original content, themes, Pay-Per-Click marketing, link reputation and link popularity are now more important to get top spots. If you have a large web site already in place then we will use a different approach. We can select and improve interior pages and make them content rich, and indexed. if done properly this will increased sales quickly.
Getting a good listing on the web is harder than ever. The web contains more than a billion pages, and it is expected to double in 2008 and quadruple by 2009. According to the same study, no search engine is indexing more than 50 percent of the web pages on the Internet. Source: NEC Research Institute.
Don't get ignored or even worse...
The rules are changing fast. It's getting so easy to get your site banned by over submitting, keyword stuffing, Link farms or any aggressive marketing tactics used to get better rankings. We don't use any dirty tricks. We develop content rich pages that are relevant to searchers and search engines.
There’s a fine line between using web markrting and Search Engine Optimization to increase your web traffic… and using it to spam the heck out of the search engines… don’t cross that line.
Google, Yahoo and even MSN are banning web sites in record numbers and it's not just with the help of filters and algorhythms. In their quest to offer only the best high quality search results to their visitors, the search engines are adopting directory-like human reviewing techniques!
Search engines now have employees whose job is to surf the web looking for spam and ban every web site they feel should NOT be on the first page.
At the top of their lists for human review are web sites that get complaints (usually Adsense type sites) that allow do-gooder surfers to easily report web sites and point to them as spammers. Some folks even volunteer to rat on spam sites. And if that’s not enough, there is a good chance your competitors will put your sites through the ringer and if they find any spam they will rat you out.
Actually, it's very likely that it is the competition that is fingering the sites to get banned as they may be angry at losing the top spot to a competing marketer. The only solution is to play by the rules! Wait - there are no published rules... just a mantra that says do no evil... It's simple, If you play by the rules, you won't get banned. "We Know the Rules"
We can't promise top web rankings on all the engines for all web sites, some keywords are just too competitive. So we reserve the right to accept or reject web sites we feel can not make it to the top, or if they compete with our present clients. We do not work on adult or gambling sites.
We are presently only accepting Business to Business, Industrial Supplies, Real Estate, New products, Wedding sites, Lodging, and Berkshire County MA sites, with a few exceptions. We are staying with what we know best.
Domain name consulting and registration
How to select the right domain name? Select a domain name with good keywords in it. This can make it easier to get good rankings on some engines. They should also be easy to remember and easy to spell. When getting additional domains for different keywords, you must have different information and original content on these new domains or the powers that be will consider them Spam.
Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
I enjoyed many years of getting my clients a lot of traffic with Pay-Per-Click search engines at five and ten cents a click. Sadly those days are gone, now everyone knows or thinks they know how to use them. I can still get a lot of inexpensive traffic by doing proper keyword research and finding the low cost bids. If your keywords have high competition then you need my service.
Keyword research, most important
lf your keywords are very competitive the process requires focus, and hard work . If you knew the exact keywords your customers typed in to search for your site, you win! If you use the wrong keywords, you loose. We use the latest techniques to develop the best set of titles, descriptions and keywords for promoting your site. We use databases of the most popular search terms to develop the right keyword strategies for maximum targeted traffic. We must know exactly what your potential client searches for before we start work.
Gone are the days of hiring "graphic artists" to design your commercial web site. Bells and whistles don't sell, searchers want information first, entertainment last.
Why work with me?
I have studied Web marketing for the past 10 years. I'm passionate about this work. When I get a number one position for a highly competitive search term I feel great and my client feels even better. I also offer professional photography services and digital imaging, see my professional photography studio. For top-notch web hosting, domain name consulting and free domain name registration, see Domain Names for Sale. We will work with you to carefully plan your unique web site and develop a marketing strategy .You'll get going in the right direction, building pages that will get high rankings. You'll get targeted traffic that converts to sales. We offer friendly personal service. You deal directly with me.
web marketer, SEO specialist
Web specialist Rolf Hansen
Don't worry about me trying to use high pressure sales tricks or hard selling techniques. That's not my style. After you see my client's web rankings you will ask me to sign you up.
My clients are in the top spots on most of the search engines for their important keywords. contact me for a free consultation and web site marketing report.
We only use white hat SEO techniques.
