Sigsby Communications
Sigsby Communications
(781) 826-3784
61 Old Bridge Rd, Hanover, MA
Integrated Marketing Gives You the Best of Both Worlds
Since 1985, Sigsby Communications has been providing small and medium sized businesses with a wide variety of marketing services. Having developed more than 125 websites since 1995 and having performed traditional marketing services for hundreds of clients since our founding, we were one of the first marketing companies to tie together Internet and Traditional Marketing to give our clients a decided edge over their competition. If you have a need for a website, site maintenance, SEO work, brochures, newsletters, direct mail, or email campaigns, let us advise you as to what combination will be most cost effective.
A Website Is the Centerpiece
of Your Marketing Efforts
The internet has become a powerful marketing tool for both large and small businesses around the world. And that is where we start with your marketing program. However, simply having a website these days is not enough. There are thousands of companies with websites competing for the attention of search engines, internet surfers, and, in many case, for your customers and prospects.
Internet Marketing Takes
You the Next Step
Internet Marketing is the summation of all the innovative tools that can be used to attract your audience via the World Wide Web--your website, search engine optimization, email campaigns, banner advertising, blogs, etc. There are an increasing array of internet techniques that can bring people to your website and your business. We can help you sort through them and determine which will be most effective for your company goals.
Traditional Marketing Ties
It All Together
Tried and true methods of promotion--brochures, print advertising, direct mail, press releases and articles--increase the impact of your internet activity. Together with Internet Marketing, these traditional tools allow you to surround your audience with your consistent message and to continually keep in touch with them until they are ready to move forward. Then we help move them in the right direction--your direction.
(C) 2008 Sigsby Communications
